Hi, I'm Nuna !

I am a student of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology


Hanun Shaka Puspa

My nickname is Nuna and I'm a programmer who is eager to learn some field of expertise of informatics. I'm an adminnistrator of Intelligent Information System Laboratory and manager of programming division in Ichiro ITS.



HTML, CSS / Sass, and Javascript

Is able to write simple web page using HTML, CSS, and Javascript

ReactJs & ExpressJs

Is able to create simple web app using ReactJs and ExpressJs framework along with various libraries such as Material UI, Redux, and many more.

Vercel & Digital Ocean

Is able to deploy web app using UI based or console based deployments.

My Works

TC Merch Website

A prototype web app built using ReactJs for HMTC Medfo internship. The website is deployed on Vercel and accessible through this link.

Melocal Web App

A prototype web app built using ReactJs for PKM 2023. In the future, this web app will be connected by ExpressJs backend and mySQL database hosted on digital ocean. The website is currently deployed on Vercel and accessible through this link.

Basic Media Schooling Web

A static web app built using HTML and CSS for Basic Media Schooling 2022. The website is currently deployed on github pages and accessible through this link.


Furthermore, I can be found via :




Thank you !